If you’re from the south, then you know how serious people take their baked goods… especially pound cake. Ask anyone, and they will convince you that you can’t just eat anyone’s pound cake!
Well, here we are almost halfway through the year, and I’m sure we were all hoping by now things would pretty much be back to normal. And by normal, OBVS I mean back to brunch on Saturday with your girls, Friday date nights, kids back at school or summer camp, and of course…back to work in a real office!!!
If someone told me last year that the hottest fashion accessory in 2020 would be a face mask, I would have easily said, “YOU ARE LYING!”
With Mother’s Day being just around the corner, I’m sure you’re starting to come to terms with the fact that you will likely still be in the middle of “Sheltering at Home” by May 10th.
For the past month I’ve been so busy trying to navigate how to deal with our new normal that before I knew it, I looked up and realized Easter is just a week away!
Is it weird that ever since Coronavirus and social distancing, my social calendar has actually gotten even more busy than when I was free to walk the streets and roam around as I please without worrying about catching a virus?
Well, I think we can all agree it has been quite a month! With all that’s going on with the Coronavirus, the mandatory quarantines, and the overall unknown for what our immediate future is going to look like! In spite of all this madness, I think it’s still important that we keep up with our self-care!
At the beginning of the new year, pretty much everyone has the same goal. Lose weight and/or get healthy. It’s so easy to decide you want lose weight, but unfortunately, most of us don’t have a game plan of how to execute it!