How to Celebrate Easter Together in Quarantine

For the past month I’ve been so busy trying to navigate how to deal with our new normal that before I knew it, I looked up and realized Easter is just a week away! It would be so easy to be bummed and blame “The Coronavirus” for ruining yet ANOTHER special moment or holiday, but I mean… what good would that do us? So, I’m not going to spend a lot of time wallowing. Instead, I am going to share a few tips for how to still celebrate this special holiday and still feel close to your family!

1. Go to Church

Just because your family is not together doesn’t mean you can’t go to church together! Check with your church and see if they are streaming service during this time that we are “socially distancing”, and everyone can log on at the same time and watch the same service. If your church doesn’t offer this, use this as an opportunity to visit another church virtually. You can even hop on a quick zoom meeting afterwards to discuss the service and share a few things you are grateful for during these uncertain times!

2. Plan a Virtual Dinner

You can organize a family dinner (via Zoom, House Party, or FaceTime), and everyone can make whatever meal they want. I actually think this idea isn’t that bad because this way you have full control of the menu! This year, if you don’t feel like eating ham, and you’d rather have Tacos…because no problem! Everyone gets to eat exactly what they want! Note: Make sure to send out an electronic invitation ahead of time with what time you as a family want to “go to church” and what time you want dinner to start so everyone is logged on at the same time!

3. Wear That Dress

Attire should be business as usual and reflect whatever you would wear to church or dinner if everything was normal! Even though you are likely attending church and Easter Dinner on your couch, there is no reason you can’t still be cute!

4. Indoor Easter Egg Hunt

I’m totally a pro at this one! When I was younger, my mom had an indoor Easter Egg hunt for me every year. She hid eggs all over the house and I had the best time finding them! I got so used to having my egg hunt’s in doors that honestly, I enjoyed that much more than digging an egg out of a bed of flowers! You can even let everyone in the house get in on the fun… and don’t forget to hide some with money and other really cool surprises! And don’t be surprised if next year, your kids actually request indoors instead of an outdoor hunt!

5. Be Thankful

Last but not least, take a moment to be thankful for your health, your family, and for this time we have been given to just slow down and spend time with your loved ones. BE IN THE MOMENT. I think it’s so important not to waist this time we have been given. Take a moment to think about all the times “Pre-Corona” that you would have given anything just to have more time with your kids, or your spouse, and realize… God has given this to us. It’s up to you if you decide to spend the time complaining, OR spend this as time for growth!

I hope these tips will help, and if you have any other tips or suggestions on how to celebrate this Easter, comment below!

Love you BYEeeeee!!

Mrs. All Pink Everything