The Start of a New Relationship. The End of an Old One.
november 24, 2018 I relationships
After years of stories that I’m sure are too embarrassing to tell about your dating life, the one thing that remains consistent is your best friend. Mine was there through every break up, make up, and bad Tinder date!! She helped me grow and see things from different perspectives, and tell me when I was being absolutely unreasonable, or even when I could do better, and I did the same for her! Everything changed when one man decided that he was going to be my last Tinder date because I was going to be his WIFE!!!
For most of us, this is one of the most exciting days in our life! When my husband first proposed, I expected my best friend to match my enthusiasm and support me unconditionally. And for a while, it seemed like she did! However, over the course of wedding planning, I watched my best friend take a back seat to my life. Ten years of friendship slipped away from us, and before I knew it my maid-of-honor was no longer.
I kept asking myself these questions:
“What did I do wrong?”
“What is wrong with HER?”
“Is she jealous? Angry? Both?”
These things cycled through my mind repeatedly, causing a huge cloud to hang over what should have been the most exciting moments of my engagement. For months, I felt like there was definitely something wrong with me, and I felt like I had to be the only that was going through this. But funny thing happened, as I opened up to other women, they shared similar stories, and I realized I wasn’t the first person who dealt with this, and I unfortunately won’t be the last.
Ok, so now I’ve told you of the heart-breaking “friendship breakups” that can happen during your engagement (or any other major milestone). Now let’s get into how you can do your best to avoid the fall out! Sometimes we throw ourselves so deeply into our romantic relationships that other relationships begin to suffer. To avoid this, take a moment to consider the feelings of those around you, and how your actions impact them significantly. Alternatively, reflect on the strength and authenticity your relationship is with your best friend. The drama that lead to the falling out between me and my bestie showed some true colors I had never expected from her. The stress of planning a wedding, losing a best friend, and moving on without your maid of honor is not something I would wish on even my worst enemy. If you feel your emotions and actions are justified, then stand your ground with confidence and poise. Looking at life as a book helped me wrap my head around all of this. I know it sounds crazy, but just follow me.
As we get older, we start to branch out and go down different paths, and not necessarily at the same time. Although everyone experiences different things at different times, we need to make sure we are celebrating each other for each of their milestones and know that your time will come too. As we keep growing, we also start to realize that each friendship isn’t necessarily meant to go with you to whatever your next chapter in life is. Some people, like my best friend, were an asset in the chapters before. Our friendship was sincere overall, but as we closed those chapters, we weren’t meant to continue on in each others’ stories. It’s a harsh reality that we have to face, but looking at it with this perspective helped me personally grasp the idea of how temporary all things are, whether it be 10 months or 10 years in the making.
It’s YOUR special day, and the beginning of YOUR special life chapter.
You hopefully only do it once, so make it count!
Lost any relationships during your engagement or marriage? Comment them below!